🔐Security and Compliance

10.1 Security Measures

10.1.1 Smart Contract Audits

Ensuring the security of user funds is a top priority for KUSA. To achieve this, we conduct thorough smart contract audits and code testing. Regular assessments are carried out to identify and rectify potential vulnerabilities, ensuring the robustness of our platform.

10.1.2 Rotating Hot Wallets

To bolster wallet security, we implement a strategy of rotating hot wallets at regular intervals. This practice minimizes the risk associated with long-term exposure of wallets, providing an additional layer of protection for user funds.

10.1.3 API Protection

As a platform with a certain offchain component, high-level API protection is paramount. Stringent authentication protocols and role-based access control are employed to safeguard against unauthorized access and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of user data.

10.2 Regulatory Compliance

10.2.1 Ongoing Discussions

Addressing regulatory compliance, especially concerning gambling and financial transactions, is a key consideration for KUSA. While discussions are ongoing, we are committed to navigating the regulatory landscape responsibly. Collaborations with legal experts will guide our compliance strategies, ensuring a transparent and compliant platform.

10.2.2 Geographical Restrictions

As of now, there are no specific geographical restrictions for users on the KUSA platform. However, ongoing regulatory discussions may lead to adjustments in this approach to align with legal requirements.

Last updated