🤖Telegram Bot

6.1 Functionalities

6.1.1 Seamless Interaction

To enhance user convenience, KUSA integrates with Telegram, providing a dedicated bot for various functionalities. Users can seamlessly interact with the platform directly from the Telegram interface, streamlining their engagement.

6.1.2 Wallet Linking for Deposit Identification

To facilitate deposit identification, users are required to link their Ethereum wallet address to their Telegram account. This is achieved by using the "/deposit" command within the Telegram bot, which provides the main deposit address. If users haven't linked their wallet address, the bot generates a link for users to associate their wallet addresses.

6.2 Wallet Linking Process

6.2.1 Linking Multiple Addresses

Users follow the provided link to connect their MetaMask or any other web3 wallet. They can link multiple wallet addresses, enabling flexible fund management within the KUSA platform.

6.2.2 Secure Wallet Binding

The wallet linking process on Telegram ensures a secure and privacy-focused experience. By signing a message with their Telegram ID/username, users establish a secure connection without the need for actual transactions.

6.2.3 User Identification

Each linked address requires a signed message, ensuring that depositing users can be identified accurately. The sign-in message data includes the user's Telegram ID/username, establishing a secure and verifiable connection between their Telegram account and deposited funds.

6.2.4 No Transactions, No Compromise

Importantly, this linking process involves no transactions. Rest assured, your wallets remain secure as no actual transactions take place during the wallet linking process.

6.2.5 One-Time Activity

The wallet linking process is a one-time activity, providing a hassle-free and secure approach to deposit identification.

6.2.6 Start Wagering

Once your wallets are linked, you can transfer $KUSA to the address provided by the bot from your linked wallet address. This enables you to seamlessly start wagering on prediction pools.

Last updated