💡Risk Disclaimer for KUSA Services

Your use of KUSA Services carries inherent risks for which we cannot assume responsibility. While we highlight some of these risks, this list isn't exhaustive:

Technical Vulnerabilities:

Hardware, software, or network components may fail or be susceptible to malware, unauthorized access, or attacks.

Unauthorized Access:

Third parties may gain unauthorized access to the Services, including your public and private keys.

Communication Failures:

KUSA is not liable for communication failures, disruptions, errors, distortions, or delays during Service use.

Network Changes:

Forks, vulnerabilities, or unanticipated network protocol changes may result in losses.

Crypto Asset Risks:

Engaging with crypto assets involves substantial risk of rapid value loss and unpredictable price fluctuations.

Regulatory Impact:

Regulatory inquiries or actions may affect KUSA, potentially limiting access or usage of the Services.

User Responsibility:

Your use of the Services is at your own risk.

Services are provided "as is," without warranties.

Release of Liability:

By using the Services, you release KUSA from all liability related to content acquisition or non-acquisition.

User Agreement:

You explicitly comprehend and agree to hold KUSA harmless for any losses resulting from Service use.

We provide this information to ensure users are well-informed about potential risks, maintaining our commitment to transparency and user safety.

Last updated